Map Tips
Map Interaction: To zoom: double click or use the plus/minus buttons on the top right. To move around the map (panning): click and drag your mouse. To re-set the positioning of the map and the zoom level: hit the reset button (circular arrows) at the top right of the map (under the plus/minus buttons).
Map Dot Colors: Each dot on the map represents an excerpt of an interview. The dots appear in different colors based on the active map legend, which is a filter for visualizing the dots. There are several unique legends to explore. Changing the active legend (drop down menu at the top left of the map screen) will change the appearance of the dots.
Map Legends: Clicking on a value in a map legend (either checking the box or clicking on the term itself) will hide all markers not associated with that value. To see markers associated with multiple values, check all of the appropriate boxes. To restore all markers, select “Hide/Show All” (the first value in the legend).
Gallery Tips
Gallery Interaction: The gallery view is made of topic cards, each representing an excerpt of an interview. The cards appear in different colors based the names of the interviewees. You can either sort or filter to identify information contained in each topic card.
Gallery Sort: Clicking on “Sort By” will bring up a drop down menu of filters (aka map legends), including Congo Spaces, Congo Traditions, and Time Period. Sorting topic cards by value will move each topic card to a new location in the visualization.
Gallery Filter: Clicking on “Filter By” will also give a drop down menu of filters (legends). First, click on a value, then click on “Options” next to the “Filter By” button. This will bring up a pop-up window that allows you to choose specific values, which will then display only those cards with that corresponding value. Check which values to view, click Apply, and the topic cards will filter out. To return to a view of all topic cards, click No Filter.
Map and Gallery Tips
Excerpt Details: Clicking on a map dot or gallery card brings up a lightbox (or info window) containing an excerpt of the audio and its corresponding Spanish and English transcripts. You can hit the red play button to begin listening. The timestamp at the left of the transcript will be highlighted, and the transcript will roll along in sync with the audio. Clicking on the green “Read more about this excerpt” button opens to a page with additional information about that chunk of interview.
Accessing the Full Interview from the Map or Gallery: Clicking on the green “Listen to the entire interview” button in the pop-up window will open up a new browser tab, where the entire interview and its corresponding transcripts can be accessed. As with the excerpt, you can play or pause the audio file as you wish. The transcript will scroll along in sync with the audio. You can jump forward or backward in the full interview by clicking on any timestamp.
Switching between the Map and Gallery: Click on the “Change View” button at the top right side of the browser. Select the visualization you want to load from the drop down menu.
Leaving the Map or Gallery: To exit the interactive project and return to the rest of the site, click the “Home” button above the map or gallery. This will close the visualization and return you to the home page.