Interactive Project

Welcome to the Digital Portobelo Interactive Project! This interactive project was originally created with DH Press, a WordPress-based digital humanities visualization toolkit developed at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Digital Innovation Lab and the Renaissance Computing Institute. DH Press has since been discontinued, but we have preserved the interviews and gallery.

Full InterviewAmong its many features, DH Press offered a dynamic way of exploring oral histories and other audio material. With its unique Audio/Transcript Tool, users could listen to interviews while simultaneously reading the corresponding textual transcript. Users could explore individual excerpts or listen to interviews in their entirety.

Digital Portobelo was the first instance of using DH Press for bilingual oral histories. Nearly every interview has been transcribed in Spanish and English, and both versions of the transcript appear side-by-side. Users need not understand Spanish to enjoy the rich content contained in these interviews.

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Tips for Exploring the Interactive Project

All interviews can be accessed through an interactive gallery or through the interview archive.

Exploring the gallery: Each topic card appears in the gallery as an image that represents an excerpt of an interview. Clicking on any card will bring up that segment of the interview. Clicking on the “Listen the entire interview” button in the marker pop-up window will open up a new browser tab, where the entire interview and its corresponding transcripts can be accessed. Clicking on the “Read more about this excerpt” button opens to a page with additional information about that chunk of interview.

Exploring the full interviews: The interview archive links to the full audio files for each interview, along with the corresponding transcripts. Under each scrollable transcript is a list of related excerpts. Clicking on any of the titles will provide more details about a given excerpt.


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